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Wearing one's religion on his shirt sleeve has in  the past been deemed a bit much at times.  It is preferred that piety be a personal relationship between God and person.  However, the left has publicly declared war on religion and so it is well past time to cast aside the restraints, and for all pious people to wear their religion on their shirt sleeves.  The battle is enjoined! 

The Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team is one of many organizations who have lost their moral compass, and are determined now to moor themselves to openly evil institutions and organizations.  In doing so, the time is now not merely to call this professional baseball team to task, but moreover our federal government as well as many other institutions.  America is not a secular nation, never has been, and frankly never will be.  It was founded on the principle of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion, and in that reality marks a great distinction between the foundations of America versus the aims of today's left living in America.  It is a fight between good and evil, and it is ironic that many of the more virulent groups that publicly clamor for atheism are themselves openly wedded to Satanic cultism and messages.  It is a great trap that once entered is difficult to recognize.  The Los Angeles baseball team chose to award one of their prizes, named a Community Hero award, to an organization whose entire purpose is to mock Catholicism.

In doing this, the Dodgers organization has succumbed itself to Satan. I wonder if they comprehend that their most revered public face, Vin Scully, would be horrified and deeply offended by this invitation to an organization whose entire raison d'etre is to openly mock a religious order.  This organization, whose name I won't even dignify, does not exist to promote any cause. It exists entirely to denigrate. That is the entire mission of Satan. Satan exists to destroy, being caste out from Heaven due to his evil aim to destroy life, destroy liberty, and destroy humanity. 

God wants man to live free, even if that freedom means the cost of a person's soul through wickedness. Today's left is precisely like their kindred spirits from over 160 years ago. Both are wedded to the notion of social control, based upon caste discrimination. Back in the 19th century one word – slavery -- galvanized the discussion. Today, we realize it was always something even more basic.  It is about liberty versus tyranny.

In attaching themselves to this organization, the people running the Dodgers organization have revealed their own raison d'etre. Sadly, it isn't baseball any longer. These people are using professional baseball to pursue a political agenda. And what precisely is that agenda?  It is subjugation.  We are a nation steering itself to a second Civil War. The evil common thread is that it was very much the Democrat party that steered us to the first one, and it is the Democrat party steering us now to the second one. And what is the common cause for both?
It is the struggle between liberty and subjugation.

God wants man to live free, even if that freedom means the cost of a person's soul through wickedness. Today's left is precisely like their kindred spirits from over 160 years ago. Both are wedded to the notion of social control, based upon caste discrimination. Back in the 19th century one word – slavery -- galvanized the discussion. Today, we realize it was always something even more basic.

It is about liberty versus tyranny.

Whether it is done for reasons of race, nationality, religion, or gender, it all comes down to the singular way diverse humanity can exist in harmony. The path is liberty. Everyone decides for himself how to live his own life.  There is no alternative path.  Evil is always rooted in some pursuit of subjugation, which is the antithesis of liberty. It is an eternal struggle within humanity. The same force of subjugation that steered America to the great cataclysm of the Civil War is steering us toward a second in the fantastical pursuit of what it claims is a utopian society.

It is a lie.

Utopia, as it ever is, is merely an individual pursuit. Human perfection is unachievable, which is why our Constitution references the phrase, "a more perfect union." Some consider that  an oxymoron, but intelligent people see it precisely as a desire to achieve a reality closer to perfection, with the humility to accept that perfection is always elusive.  This is not a struggle for sexual identity, at least not in America. It is instead a struggle by one group for totality of expression to the exclusion of all other expressions. That it totalitarianism by another form. It rejects individual liberty and seeks to replace it with social dominion of one philosophy to the exclusion of others.

It is a path to tyranny but worse also one to an unthinkable second Civil War. I lose optimism that there are enough in today's Democrat party to steer away from it. We are firmly on the path now. And in both cases, the reason is pursuit of subjugation vice embrace of liberty.

-- Ken Stallings

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